CellECT: cell evolution capturing tool

Diana L Delibaltov, Utkarsh Gaur, Jennifer Kim, Matthew Kourakis, Erin Newman-Smith, William Smith, Samuel A Belteton, Daniel B Szymanski, BS Manjunath


Robust methods for the segmentation and analysis of cells in 3D time sequences (3D+t) are critical for quantitative cell biology. While many automated methods for segmentation perform very well, few generalize reliably to diverse datasets. Such automated methods could significantly benefit from at least minimal user guidance. Identification and correction of segmentation errors in time-series data is of prime importance for proper validation of the subsequent analysis. The primary contribution of this work is a novel method for interactive segmentation and analysis of microscopy data, which learns from and guides user interactions to improve overall segmentation.

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Diana L Delibaltov, Utkarsh Gaur, Jennifer Kim, Matthew Kourakis, Erin Newman-Smith, William Smith, Samuel A Belteton, Daniel B Szymanski, BS Manjunath,
Dec. 2016.