B.S. Manjunath

B.S. Manjunath

Director, Center for Multimodal Big Data Science and Healthcare
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560

Room location: 
HFH 3157
manj [at] ece [dot] ucsb [dot] edu
(805) 893 7112




Manjunath directs the NSF/ITR funded Bio-Image Informatics Center and was the Principal Investigator for the NSF/IGERT program on Interactive Digital Multimedia. He has published about 280 articles in various journals and peer reviewed conferences and his publications have been cited extensively.

Past: Director, Interactive Digital Multimedia (IGERT program)

Links to: Publications, Grants and Contracts (Last 5 Years)

Center for Bio-Image Informatics Vision Research Lab
  Room 4162,
Harold Frank Hall (aka Engineering I)
(805) 893 5682

Research Interests: Image/video analysis (including texture and shape analysis, segmentation, registration), multimedia databases and data mining (feature extraction, content based access, high dimensional indexing and similarity search), steganography (data hiding in images and video, and their detection), and signal/image processing for bio-informatics.

Note to Graduate Student Applicants: Please contact the ECE department student office concerning your application.

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