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Retrieved Entries: 55
@article{ author = {R. Austin McEver and Bowen Zhang and Connor Levenson and A S M Iftekhar & B. S. Manjunath}, title = {Context-Driven Detection of Invertebrate Species in Deep-Sea Video}, journal = {nt J Comput Vis}, volume = {131}, pages = {1367–1388}, month = {Jul}, year = {2023}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Cadieu and et al.}, title = {Video clip selector for medical imaging and diagnosis}, booktitle = {}, month = {Nov}, year = {2021}, url = {,631,791}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Akash Gupta and Padmaja Jonnalagedda and Bir Bhanu and Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury}, title = {Ada-VSR: Adaptive Video Super-Resolution with Meta-Learning}, booktitle = {}, month = {Sep}, year = {2021}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {S Shailja and Angela Zhang and BS Manjunath}, title = {A computational geometry approach for modeling neuronal fiber pathways}, booktitle = {}, month = {Sep}, year = {2021}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Nina Miolane and Matteo Caorsi and Umberto Lupo and Marius Guerard and Nicolas Guigui and Johan Mathe and Yann Cabanes and Wojciech Reise and Thomas Davies and António Leitã and Somesh Mohapatra and Saiteja Utpala and S. Shailja and Guoxi Liu and Federico Iuricich}, title = {ICLR 2021 Challenge for Computational Geometry & Topology: Design and Results}, booktitle = {}, month = {Aug}, year = {2021}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {S Shailja and Jiaxiang Jiang and BS Manjunath}, title = {Semi supervised segmentation and graph-based tracking of 3D nuclei in time-lapse microscopy}, booktitle = {}, month = {Apr}, year = {2021}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {M.P. Echlin and A.T. Polonsky and J. Lamb and R. Geurts and S.J. Randolph and A. Botman and and T.M. Pollock}, title = {Recent Developments in Femtosecond Laser-Enabled TriBeam Systems}, booktitle = {}, year = {2021}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Devendra K. Jangid and Neal R. Brodnik and Michael G. Goebel and Amil Khan and SaiSidharth Majeti and McLean P. Echlin and Tresa M. Pollock and Sam Daly and B.S. Manjunath}, title = {EBSD-SR: Super-Resolution for Electron Backscatter Diffraction Maps using Physics-Guided Neural Networks}, booktitle = {}, year = {2021}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Devendra K. Jangid and Neal R. Brodnik and Amil Khan and Michael G. Goebel and McLean P. Echlin and Tresa M. Pollock and Sam Daly and B. S. Manjunath}, title = {3D Grain Shape Generation in Polycrystals Using Generative Adversarial Networks}, booktitle = {}, year = {2021}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Satish Kumar and ASM Iftekhar and Michael Goebel and Tom Bullock and Mary H MacLean and Michael B Miller and Tyler Santander and Barry Giesbrecht and Scott T Grafton and BS Manjunath}, title = {StressNet: detecting stress in thermal videos}, booktitle = {}, year = {2021}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Claire Donnat and Nina Miolane and Freddy Bunbury and Jack Kreindler}, title = {A Bayesian Hierarchical Network for Combining Heterogeneous Data Sources in Medical Diagnoses}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {Nov}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Joel Kowalewski and Anandasankar Ray}, title = {Predicting Human Olfactory Perception from Activities of Odorant Receptors}, booktitle = {}, month = {Aug}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Akash Gupta and Abhishek Aich and Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury}, title = {ALANET: Adaptive Latent Attention Network for Joint Video Deblurring and Interpolation}, booktitle = {}, month = {Aug}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Satish Kumar and Carlos Torres and Oytun Ulutan and Alana Ayasse and Dar Roberts and B.S. Manjunath}, title = {Deep Remote Sensing Methods for Methane Detection in Overhead Hyperspectral Imagery}, booktitle = {}, month = {May}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {McLean P. Echlin and Timothy L. Burnett and Andrew T. Polonsky and Tresa M. Pollock and Philip J. Withers}, title = {Serial sectioning in the SEM for three dimensional materials science}, booktitle = {}, month = {Apr}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Gupta and Akash and Aich and Abhishek and Rodriguez and Kevin and Reddy and G. Venugopala and Roy-Chowdhury and Amit K.}, title = {Deep Quantized Representation For Enhanced Reconstruction}, booktitle = {}, month = {Apr}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Oytun Ulutan and A S M Iftekhar and B.S. Manjunath}, title = {VSGNet: Spatial Attention Network for Detecting Human Object Interactions Using Graph Convolutions.}, booktitle = {}, month = {Mar}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Po-Yu Kao and Shailja Shailja and Jiaxiang Jiang and Angela Zhang and Amil Khan and Jefferson W Chen and BS Manjunath}, title = {Improving patch-based convolutional neural networks for MRI brain tumor segmentation by leveraging location information}, booktitle = {}, month = {Jan}, year = {2020}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Nina Miolane and Susan Holmes}, title = {Learning Weighted Submanifolds with Variational Autoencoders and Riemannian Variational Autoencoders}, booktitle = {}, month = {Nov}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Nina Miolane and Frédéric Poitevin and Yee-Ting Li and Susan Holmes}, title = {Estimation of Orientation and Camera Parameters from Cryo-Electron Microscopy Images with Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks}, booktitle = {}, month = {Nov}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Po-Yu Kao and Jeffereson W Chen and BS Manjunath}, title = {Predicting clinical outcome of stroke patients with tractographic feature}, booktitle = {}, month = {Oct}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Po-Yu Kao and Angela Zhang and Michael Goebel and Jefferson W Chen and B S Manjunath}, title = {Predicting Fluid Intelligence of Children using T1-weighted MR Images and a StackNet}, booktitle = {}, month = {Oct}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Jiaxiang Jiang and Po-Yu Kao and Samuel A. Belteton and Daniel B. Szymanski and B.S. Manjunath}, title = {Accurate 3D cell segmentation using deep features and CRF refinement}, booktitle = {}, month = {Aug}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Henry M. Page and Rachel D. Simons and Susan F. Zaleski and Robert J. Miller and Jenifer E. Dugan and Donna M. Schroeder and Brandon Doheny and Jeffrey H. R. Goddard}, title = {Distribution and potential larval connectivity of the non-native Watersipora (Bryozoa) among harbors, offshore oil platforms, and natural reefs}, booktitle = {}, month = {Jun}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Po-Yu Kao and Jefferson W Chen and BS Manjunath}, title = {Improving 3d u-net for brain tumor segmentation by utilizing lesion prior}, booktitle = {}, month = {Jun}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Matthew J Kourakis and Cezar Borba and Angela Zhang and Erin Newman-Smith and Priscilla Salas and B Manjunath and William C Smith}, title = {Parallel visual circuitry in a basal chordate}, booktitle = {}, month = {Apr}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Andrew T. Polonsky and Christian A. Lang and Kristian G. Kvilekval and Marat I. Latypov and McLean P. Echlin and B. S. Manjunath and & Tresa M. Pollock}, title = {Three-dimensional Analysis and Reconstruction of Additively Manufactured Materials in the Cloud-Based BisQue Infrastructure}, booktitle = {}, month = {Mar}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Marat I. Latypov and Amil Khan. Christian A. Lang and Kris Kvilekval and Andrew T. Polonsky and McLean P. Echlin and Irene J. Beyerlein and B. S. Manjunath and Tresa M. Pollock}, title = {BisQue for 3D Materials Science in the Cloud: Microstructure–Property Linkages}, booktitle = {}, month = {Mar}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Johan Mathe and Nina Miolane and Nicolas Sebastien and Jeremie Lequeux}, title = {PVNet: A LRCN Architecture for Spatio-Temporal Photovoltaic PowerForecasting from Numerical Weather Prediction}, booktitle = {}, month = {Feb}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Angela Zhang and Po-Yu Kao and Ronald Sahyouni and Ashutosh Shelat and Jefferson Chen and BS Manjunath}, title = {Automated segmentation of ct scans for normal pressure hydrocephalus}, booktitle = {}, month = {Jan}, year = {2019}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Oytun Ulutan and Swati Rallapalli and Mudhakar Srivatsa and Carlos Torres and B.S. Manjunath}, title = {Actor Conditioned Attention Maps for Video Action Detection.}, booktitle = {}, month = {Dec}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Marat I. Latypov and Markus Kühbach and Irene J.Beyerlein and Jean-CharlesStinville and Laszlo S.Toth and Tresa M.Pollock and Surya R.Kalidindi}, title = {Application of chord length distributions and principal component analysis for quantification and representation of diverse polycrystalline microstructures.}, booktitle = {}, month = {Nov}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {B.S. Manjunath}, title = {Identifying the best machine learning algorithms for brain tumor segmentation, progression assessment, and overall survival prediction in the BRATS challenge}, booktitle = {}, month = {Nov}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Carlos Torres and Jeffrey C Fried and BS Manjunath}, title = {Healthcare Event and Activity Logging}, booktitle = {}, month = {Sep}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Po-Yu Kao and Thuyen Ngo and Angela Zhang and Jefferson W Chen and BS Manjunath}, title = {Brain tumor segmentation and tractographic feature extraction from structural mr images for overall survival prediction}, booktitle = {}, month = {Sep}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Nina Miolane and Susan Holmes and Xavier Pennec}, title = {Topologically Constrained Template Estimation via Morse--Smale Complexes Controls Its Statistical Consistency}, booktitle = {}, month = {Jun}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Benjamin Hou and Nina Miolane and Bishesh Khanal and Matthew C.H. Lee and Amir Alansary and Steven McDonagh and Jo V. Hajnal and Daniel Rueckert and Ben Glocker and Bernhard Kainz}, title = {Computing CNN Loss and Gradients for Pose Estimation with Riemannian Geometry}, booktitle = {}, month = {May}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Carlos Torres and Jeffrey C Fried and Kenneth Rose and Bangalore S Manjunath}, title = {A multiview multimodal system for monitoring patient sleep}, booktitle = {}, month = {Apr}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Dimitrios Trigkakis and Sinisa Todorovic and Justin Preece and Austin Meier and Justin Elser and Pankaj Jaiswal and Kris Kvilekval and Dmitry Fedorov and BS Manjunath}, title = {Planteome & BisQue: Automating image annotation with ontologies using deep-learning networks}, booktitle = {}, year = {2018}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Thuyen Ngo and BS. Manjunath}, title = {Saccade Gaze Prediction using a Recurrent Neural Network}, booktitle = {}, month = {Sep}, year = {2017}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Carlos Torres and Kenneth Rose and Jeffrey C Fried and BS Manjunath}, title = {Summarization of ICU Patient Motion from Multimodal Multiview Videos}, booktitle = {}, month = {Jun}, year = {2017}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {D.V. Fedorov and K.G. Kvilekval and B.S. Manjunath and B. Doheny and S. Sampson and R.J. Miller D.V. Fedorov and K.G. Kvilekval and B.S. Manjunath and B. Doheny and S. Sampson and R.J. Miller and}, title = {Detection and Localization of Image Forgeries using Resampling Features and Deep Learning}, booktitle = {}, year = {2017}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {D.V. Fedorov and K.G. Kvilekval and B.S. Manjunath and B. Doheny and S. Sampson and R.J. Miller}, title = {Deep learning for all: managing and analyzing underwater and remote sensing imagery on the web using BisQue}, booktitle = {}, year = {2017}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Diana L Delibaltov and Utkarsh Gaur and Jennifer Kim and Matthew Kourakis and Erin Newman-Smith and William Smith and Samuel A Belteton and Daniel B Szymanski and BS Manjunath}, title = {CellECT: cell evolution capturing tool}, booktitle = {}, month = {Dec}, year = {2016}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Carlos Torres and Kenneth Rose and Jeffrey C. Fried and and B. S. Manjunath.}, title = {Deep Eye-CU (DECU): Summarization of Patient Motion in the ICU.}, booktitle = {Springer, ECCV-ACVR}, location = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, pages = {178----194}, month = {Nov}, year = {2016}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Carlos Torres and Victor Fragoso and Scott D. Hammond and Jeffrey C. Fried and and B. S. Manjunath.}, title = {Eye-CU: Sleep Pose Classification for Healthcare using Multimodal Multiview Data.}, booktitle = {IEEE Proceedings}, pages = {1----9}, month = {Nov}, year = {2016}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Po-Yu Kao and Eduardo Rojas and Jefferson W. Chen and Angela Zhang and B. S. Manjunath}, title = {Unsupervised 3-D Feature Learning for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury}, booktitle = {}, month = {Oct}, year = {2016}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Dmitry Fedorov and Robert J Miller and Kristian G Kvilekval and Brandon Doheny and Sarah Sampson and BS Manjunath}, title = {BisQue: cloud-based system for management, annotation, visualization, analysis and data mining of underwater and remote sensing imagery}, booktitle = {}, month = {Feb}, year = {2016}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Justin Preece and Justin Elser and Pankaj Jaiswal and Kristian Kvilekval and Dmitry Fedorov and BS Manjunath and Ryan Kitchen and Xu Xu and Dmitrios Trigkakis and Sinisa Todorovic and Seth Carbon}, title = {Plant Image Segmentation and Annotation with Ontologies in BisQue.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2016}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Carlos Torres and Scott D. Hammond and Jeffrey C. Fried and and B. S. Manjunath.}, title = {Sleep Pose Recognition in an ICU From Multimodal Data and Environmental Feedback.}, booktitle = {Springer}, location = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, pages = {56----66}, month = {Nov}, year = {2015}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Nina Miolane and Xavier Pennec}, title = {A survey of mathematical structures for extending 2D neurogeometry to 3D image processing}, booktitle = {}, month = {Sep}, year = {2015}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Nina Miolane and Xavier Pennec}, title = {Computing Bi-Invariant Pseudo-Metrics on Lie Groups for Consistent Statistics}, booktitle = {}, month = {Jun}, year = {2015}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Nina Miolane and Xavier Pennec}, title = {Statistics on Lie groups : a need to go beyond the pseudo-Riemannian framework}, booktitle = {}, month = {Dec}, year = {2014}, url = {}, }
@inproceedings{ author = {Miller and Robert J.; Hocevar and John; Stone and Robert P.; Fedorov and Dmitry V.}, title = {Structure-Forming Corals and Sponges and Their Use as Fish Habitat in Bering Sea Submarine Canyons}, booktitle = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, month = {Mar}, year = {2013}, url = {}, }
@article{ author = {Goff and Stephen A and Vaughn and Matthew and McKay and Sheldon and Lyons and Eric and Stapleton and Ann E and Gessler and Damian and Matasci and Naim and Wang and Liya and Hanlon and Matthew and Lenards and Andrew and others}, title = {The iPlant collaborative: cyberinfrastructure for plant biology}, journal = {Frontiers in plant science}, volume = {2}, month = {Jul}, year = {2013}, url = {}, }